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Home Power Tools Tempered Glass ALU LANKA (PVT)LTD. Tempered Glass Works and Installation Service Providers in Sri Lanka

Tempered Glass Works and Installation Service Providers in Sri Lanka

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Cover image Tempered Glass Works and Installation Service Providers in Sri Lanka
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Tempered Glass Works and Installation Service Providers in Sri Lanka




0777687422 / 0117467671 / 0117467672


No 247 , Bollaththa , Ganemulla , Colombo




Tempered Glass Works and Installation Service Providers in Sri Lanka

Alulanka (Pvt) Ltd 

In the field architectural fitting for aluminium and glass, the building finishes, both high quality and design flexibility are essential criteria together with installation, safety, reliability and durability.
If you are looking for high quality Building Finishes Alulanka (Pvt) Ltd. is your best choice.We fabricate, manufacture and install a wide range of products and specialize in custom-made manufacture and professional installation of Aluminium Doors & Windows, All kind of: Tempered Glass, Partitions, Wall Cladding, Curtain Walls, Ceilings, Aluminum Pantry, interior, Shower cubical, mirrors & Canopy.

ඇලුමිනියම් සහ වීදුරු සඳහා ක්ෂේත්‍ර වාස්තු විද්‍යාත්මක සවි කිරීමේදී, ගොඩනැගිලි නිමාව, උසස් තත්ත්වයේ සහ සැලසුම් නම්‍යශීලී බව යන දෙකම ස්ථාපනය, ආරක්ෂාව, විශ්වසනීයත්වය සහ කල්පැවැත්ම සමඟ අත්‍යවශ්‍ය නිර්ණායක වේ.ඔබ උසස් තත්ත්වයේ ගොඩනැගිලි නිමාවක් සොයන්නේ නම් Alulanka (Pvt) Ltd ඔබේ හොඳම තේරීම වේ.අපි පුළුල් පරාසයක නිෂ්පාදන නිපදවීම, නිෂ්පාදනය කිරීම සහ ස්ථාපනය කිරීම සහ අභිරුචි-සාදන ලද නිෂ්පාදනය සහ වෘත්තීය ස්ථාපනය සඳහා විශේෂීකරණය කරමු ඇලුමිනියම් දොරවල් සහ ජනෙල්, සියලු වර්ගවල: ටෙම්පර්ඩ් වීදුරු, කොටස්, බිත්ති ආවරණ, තිර බිත්ති, සිවිලිම්, ඇලුමිනියම් පැන්ට්රි

Tempered glass, also known as toughened glass, is a type of safety glass that is widely used in various architectural, interior, and industrial applications due to its strength and safety features. Here’s an in-depth look at the applications of tempered glass


  1. Architectural and Construction

    • Windows and Doors: Used in residential and commercial buildings for enhanced safety and security.
    • Curtain Walls and Facades: Provides strength and clarity for large glass installations.
    • Skylights: Offers durability and resistance to thermal stresses.
    • Balustrades and Railings: Used in balconies and staircases for safety without compromising aesthetics.
    • Glass Floors and Staircases: Provides a modern look while ensuring safety.
  2. Interior Design

    • Shower Enclosures: Commonly used for its safety and resistance to moisture.
    • Partitions: Used in offices and homes to create separate spaces while maintaining an open feel.
    • Tabletops: Adds elegance and safety to glass furniture.
    • Mirrors: In areas where additional strength is required, such as gyms and dance studios.
  3. Automotive Industry

    • Windows: Used in side and rear windows of vehicles for safety.
    • Sunroofs: Offers strength and thermal resistance.
  4. Retail and Display

    • Glass Shelving: Provides strength and durability for displaying products.
    • Storefronts: Enhances the aesthetic appeal and safety of retail spaces.
  5. Appliances

    • Oven Doors: Withstands high temperatures and thermal stress.
    • Refrigerator Shelves: Provides durability and safety in household appliances.

wedabima.com and D Factor Group make no warranty or representation for any products, services, deals and transactions between the user and the advertisers. Users strictly at their own risk.

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